FCACheartsJogja 2014 Artists

Cemeti Art House

Since 1988, Cemeti Art House founded by Nindityo Adipurnomo and Mella Jaarsma, has been exhibiting and communicating the works of both Indonesian and foreign contemporary artists. Since the beginning of Cemeti Gallery in 1988, it has functioned as an exhibition, information, documentation and promotion centre for the visual arts. All the files, archive and network was lodged in 1995 at the Cemeti Art Foundation.

Recently, the Cemeti Art Foundation has changed its name to Indonesian Visual Art Archive (IVAA). Cemeti Art House and IVAA function as two separate organizations, each with their own vision and funding. Cemeti Art House focuses on exhibitions, art projects, residencies and art management. IVAA focuses on documentation, education and information. We often work together and both organizations contribute to art discourse and art developments, locally, nationally as well as internationally.

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Didirikan pada 1988, Rumah Seni Cemeti berfokus pada penyelenggaraan pameran, proyek-proyek kesenian, residensi dan manajemen seni. Dua organisasi kami, Cemeti Art House dan Cemeti Gallery saling bekerja sama dan telah memberikan kontribusi penting  pada wacana dan perkembangan seni rupa, baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.

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Website: www.cemetiarthouse.com