FCACheartsJogja 2014 Artists

KUNCI Cultural Studies Center
KUNCI Cultural Studies Centre inhabits a precarious position of belonging to neither this nor that within existing disciplinary boundaries while aiming at expanding them. The collective’s membership is open and voluntary, and is so far based on an affinity to creative experimentation and speculative inquiry with focus on intersections between theory and practice.
Since its founding in 1999 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, KUNCI has been deeply preoccupied with critical knowledge production and sharing through means of media publication, cross-disciplinary encounter, research-action, artistic intervention and vernacular education within and across community spaces.
KUNCI Cultural Studies Center memantapkan posisinya untuk tidak menjadi ini ataupun itu dalam batasan-batasan disiplin yang ada sambil terus berupaya meluaskan batas-batas tersebut. Keanggotaan kolektif ini bersifat terbuka dan sukarela, dan sejauh ini anggota-anggotanya menunjukkan ketertarikan bersama pada eksperimen kreatif dan penyelidikan spekulatif yang berfokus pada persinggungan antara teori dan praktIk.
KUNCI Librarian and Archivist, Freelance Musician and Visual Artist.
Born in East Java, Achon studies the archaeology of knowledge in the Google Institute and YouTube Akademia. As an artist he works with illustration and graphic works. He is also the lead vocal of Soundcloud Band “Tjuei Lan Tseng”, with fellow Net-musician, Wok The Rock. In this project he duplicates the tonal curve of Melayu sounds and Madurese dialect with a mixture of Arabic and Chinese music.
His artistic practices include a collaborative production of animation video and street photography that are showcased in online platforms such as Vimeo and Tumblr, respectively And-Joy division and Snapjoys. With Yogya-based visual artist Prihatmoko Moki aka Paman Mk, he is currently preparing a screen-print book project entitled Buku Ghaib. His writing projects can be viewed in Tumblr’s Spermatology and Proyek Anumuitu, a personal project compiling objects that he – collected from things he received from friends or found lying around their houses as well as diary illustrations he has been collecting since 2007. Achon has deep interest in learning and sharing knowledge across nongkrongan-based (hang out) communities.