
Wildlife Wonders

Levels P-6: Join Noongar artist Siena Jacques at Footscray Community Arts for an interactive workshop on First Nations culture and celebrating native wildlife through sculpture making. 

In this workshop, students will learn from Noongar artist Siena Jacques, about our native wildlife, their roles in our ecosystems, and their cultural significance to the First Nations people. Students in hands-on learning by creating clay sculptures of their favourite animals to take home, serving as a reminder of the importance of protecting our environment and its inhabitants. 


  • Enhanced understanding of native wildlife and their ecological roles.
  • Appreciation of the cultural significance of animals in Aboriginal traditions.
  • Development of artistic skills through sculpture making.
  • Awareness and commitment to environmental stewardship. 

Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost:  $350* (Capacity of 30 students)
*Schools with <1000 SFOE ranking are eligible for subsidised rates.   

Themes and ideas:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
  • Environmental Health
  • Art Making Processes 

Curriculum Connections:
(VCHHC086), (VCGGK094), (VCLVU150), (VCLVU171), (VCGGK066),(VCHHK072), (VCAMAR024),(VCHHK105) 

To book this excursion, submit an enquiry form or email schools@footscrayart.com

Image Credit: Photo by Alice Freeman, 2024