About the Program

Tarnuk–ut baany is a personal and professional development program facilitating cultural knowledge exchange through creative mentorship.

In 2024, the program’s next iteration will be developed and outcomes reshaped — watch this space!

Tarnuk–ut baany takes its name from the BoonWurrung phrase ‘wooden vessels holding water’, meaning an invitation to share food, sit around and tell stories.

Through Tarnuk–ut baany, we ensure the next generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists are guided by the knowledge and experience of Elders and community leaders. With self-determination at its core, the program will be tailored to the needs of the group.

Image by Gianna Rizzo.

Tarnuk–ut baany: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Cultural Development Program is supported by Indigenous Languages and Arts Program Australian Government.

2021-2022 Tarnuk–ut baany Participants
Dylan Singh

Dylan Singh is a proud Wiradjuri man hailing from Albury/Wodonga, NSW. Dylan’s passion for performance comes from two different schools of art and culture that are as he describes as strange cousins. His father a traditional dancer and yidaki player with a group called Bubbu Yella travelled across the country learning new dances and songs from mobs all over. His mother was one of the first members at the circus school in Albury called the Flying Fruit Fly circus.

Dylan has been inspired by his culture through dance, music and songlines and continually tries to blend these elements into his circus and music art. Dylan believes that the two types of art forms share so many similarities that they can influence and support each other. Dylan tries to find ways to express his culture through his art form and wishes to pass on culture through his art onto the next generation of first nations people who wish to follow an artist path.

Simon Rose

Simon Rose is a Birriah/ Gurreng Gurreng Murri, a media practitioner who’s been developing his production skills across documentary, corporate video and other commissioned content for several years including freelance writing, producing and directing. Simon was the Indigenous directors attachment to ABC TVs ‘Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries’ 2011-12, completed a factual research internship with Blackfella Films Melbourne 2015-16, was a participant in Screen Australias’ national Indigenous Producing initiative 2016 and directed the NITV commissioned film: ‘Our Stories, Maree Clarke Cultural Warrior’ 2018.

Simon is passionate about Indigenous story and is currently the director of Indigenous media production services: the Great Aboriginal People.

Tarryn Love

Tarryn Love is a proud Gunditjmara Keerray Woorroong woman from south-west Victoria and raised on Wadawurrung Country. Alongside her sister, Tarryn creates artwork under Koorroyarr Arts to encompass the significant role of family in her practice and being a Gunditjmara woman continually learning and seeking knowledge of culture, while using art to channel this connection.

‘Koorroyarr’ means ‘granddaughter’ in Tarryn’s mother tongue Keerray Woorroong, to signify the presence and impact that her grandfather Ivan Couzens had on her passion for celebrating her identity. Tarryn’s body of work reflects the passing down of knowledge and with a variety of mediums and centring of language she works to revive, reinvigorate and celebrate the distinctiveness of Gunditjmara culture.

Tiffany Ward 

Tiffany Ward is proud Yorta Yorta woman from Albury/Wodonga which is on the border of NSW and VIC. She currently works as an assistant producer at HotHouse Theatre coming to the end of a 12-month traineeship, completing CERT III in Business. She’s had a passion for Theatre since she was 15 years old when she began acting in a local indigenous theatre ensemble and have since become passionate in producing local theatre. Tiffany has had the pleasure of working with some great Indigenous creatives over the years such as Kamarra Bell-Wykes and Elaine Crombie. Theatre is something  she is very passionate about and will continue to build her skills in, in the years to come.

Tybias Seff Hovington 

Tybias Seff Hovington is a First Nations Wibar (man) from the south east of Trowunna (Tasmania). His Tribe is Salt Water mob who’s name is the Paredarerme.

Tybias has always enjoyed being outdoors in nature. He spent most of my childhood observing insects and animals which has played a massive part in who he is today. Tybias wants to combine his passion for creativity with his love for the natural world, and believes making sustainable art is the best possible way to do so.