About the Program

At Footscray Community Arts, we are committed to nurturing artists at every stage of their creative journey. Our RESIDENCE program is designed to provide a supportive environment for independent artists, collectives, and small to medium-sized organisations in order to cultivate a vibrant artistic community in the western suburbs.

Within our historic Henderson House studios, artists have the opportunity to elevate their artistic practice and embark on new creative endeavours. Artists in RESIDENCE not only gain access to our artist studios but can also enjoy the benefits of a fully equipped podcast studio, gallery spaces, a rehearsal studio, kitchenette facilities, an on-site café, free parking, and, most importantly, being part of the creative community at Footscray Community Arts.

Learn more about our current Artists in RESIDENCE below. 

Artist in RESIDENCE 2023

Amelia O’Leary

Amelia O’Leary is a First Nations Gamilaroi Yinarr from Northern New South Wales and has lived in Naarm (Melbourne) for the past eleven years.

Gurmeet Kaur

Gurmeet Kaur is a writer, poet and critic living on Wurundjeri Country.

James Nguyễn

James Nguyễn works with video, writing, collaboration, and performance.

Nana Owusu

Nana Owusu is a podcaster, producer and radio host based in Naarm.

Revolution & Joy

Revolution & Joy is a photographic collective led by Irihipeti Waretini, with Bakri Mah and Gianna Rizzo.

Sophie Cassar

Sophie Cassar is an artist and writer.

Steffie Yee 余淑婷

Steffie Yee 余淑婷 works as an Animation Director & Illustrator in so-called Australia.

Meet RESIDENCE alumni


Ahmad Sabra

Blame the Shadows


Description Victoria

Efren Pamilacan

Jonathan Homsey


Maylei Hunt and Jessica D’cruze

Next in Colour



Scotty So


The Grief Cocoon

Yuchen Xin


Blame the Shadows


Didem Caia

Foni Salvatore

Jack Nicholls

James Hale

Kin Francis

Jo Ze spArks

Karima Baadilla

Kate Robinson & Maria Birch-Morunga

Nithya Solomon


Paul Hedley Roberts

Second Echo Ensemble (SEE)

Piper Huynh

Reagan Romero Maiquez

Reuben James / Variation Three

Reuben Lewis

Ripley Kavara

Sam Elkin


Tariro Mavondo

Vivian Nguyen

Zhang Xiaoan