Adult Learning Australia
The peak body for adult and community education in Australia, Adult Learning Australia runs programs nationally through a range of community-based organisations, including:
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Education Providers
- Adult Migrant Education Centres
- Community Colleges
- Community Learning Centres
- Neighbourhood and Community Houses
- Libraries
- Community Resource Centres
- U3A (University of the Third Age)
- Workers Education Associations (SA & NSW)
- Adult and Further Education programs in many TAFEs
- Local government, Adult Learning Australia is
- Community Arts Based Education Providers
- other community organisations who offer learning opportunities to adults.
Adult Learning Australia believes that creating a better future is possible through the power of education. The Learning Changes Lives Foundation, which Adult Learning Australia also runs, supports initiatives that improve the quality of life for disadvantaged adult Australians.
Adult and community education programs are funded by local, state and territory governments, and by the Commonwealth Government through the Department of Education and Training.
Email: info@ala.asn.au
Website: https://ala.asn.au/
Learning Changes Lives Foundation Website: https://learningchangeslives.org.au