Creative and Industry Initiatives

Creatively Ageing

“Making space for ageing communities to share, celebrate, create and participate”

Creatively Ageing is a dynamic and innovative initiative creating an artistic and cultural platform for and by seniors and elders in Melbourne’s west. Produced by Footscray Community Art Centre (FCAC), Creatively Ageing is funded by Australia Council for the Arts.

Through an arts and cultural program we deliver workshops, curating and creative development opportunities in aged care centres and senior specific spaces in Melbourne’s west.

During 2013 and 2014, FCAC facilitated visual arts workshops were with participants in residential settings. The resulting exhibition Creatively Ageing took place at Footscray Community Arts Centre from 2 October to 2 November 2014.

From mid-November and December 2014 intensive arts programs are taking place in at Doutta Galla Aged Services (Footscray) and Sunshine Hospital’s dementia ward. Artists Bec Reid, Bob Carey-Grieve and Jo Windred are leading workshops in dance, visual arts and singing respectively with patients at Sunshine Hospital. At Doutta Galla Aged Services (Footscray), residents will be able to participate in workshops led by artists Amarina Waters, Heather Horrocks and Bob Carey-Grieve, who will deliver singing, paper art and painting/drawing workshops respectively.

In 2015 Creatively Ageing will deliver a year’s program with new initiatives including arts programs in senior specific settings, professional development activities for senior care activities personnel; a public forum focussed on creativity and engagement with our diverse senior communities and public presentation of new works created.

We are also working with Victoria University (VU) to develop a specific evaluation research project around Creativity and Ageing, using Creatively Ageing as a research focus.

Interested in joining the Creatively Ageing Advisory Group?

Please get in contact FCAC Creative Producer Alia Gabres:
Phone: 9362 8870

1. Artist Heather Horrocks.