FCACheartsJogja 2014 Artists

Dr Bo Svoronos

Creative Producer, Writer-performer, Photography

Bo works for Footscray Community Arts Centre as Creative Producer; he is an independent producer and cultural practitioner having instigated a variety of festivals, tours and events.

Bo holds a PhD in fine art that highlighted the complex nature of festival artistry, Indigenous arts and culture, intangible cultural heritage, festival contact zones and local government. Bo is Next Wave board member, former Chairman of WELL Theatre, former general board member of The Torch, a chef by trade and has an obscure arts practice he carries around in one of his many pockets.

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Bo bekerja untuk Footscray Community Arts Centre sebagai Creative Producer. Ia adalah seorang praktisi budaya yang independen sekaligus pemrakarsa sejumlah festival, tur, dan event. Bo memiliki gelar PhD untuk Seni Rupa dimana Ia menyoroti kompleksnya festival kesenian, seni dan budaya penduduk asli, warisan budaya non-benda, wilayah kontak festival dan pemerintahan lokal. Sebagai ‘chef’ terlatih, Bo bisa mempraktekkan seni secara tiba-tiba dimana saja, kapanpun.