FCACheartsJogja 2014 Artists
Salote Tawale 1

Salote Tawale


Born in Suva, Fiji Islands Salote Tawale moved to Melbourne, Australia with her family in the late 1970’s. Tawale is of Anglo-Australian and Fijian decent. Salote has completed an undergraduate study at RMIT University in Media Arts and a Masters in Fine Art coursework; she is currently engaged in a Master of Fine Art by research at the Sydney College of the Arts.

Over the past 10 years her creative practice has explored gender identity and Western cultural values mediated by photography and video, whereby the self is represented through the performance of archetypal and stereotypical signifiers from popular-culture.

Tawale’s works generally take the form of video, photography, installation, drawing and performance.

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Selama lebih dari 10 tahun, proses kreatif Salote berfokus pada eksplorasi kajian identitas jender dan nilai budaya Barat dengan media fotografi dan video, dimana diri direpresentasikan melalui penampilan arketipikal dan stereotipikal yang khas dari budaya pop. Karya-karya Salote pada umumnya adalah video, fotografi, instalasi, gambar, dan performance; saat ini Ia sedang mengadakan penelitian untuk gelar Master of Fine Art di Sydney College of the Arts.